Cluepoint Media

Erickshaw Advertising

Electric rickshaws, or e-rickshaws, are becoming increasingly popular in cities worldwide. They are an affordable and eco-friendly mode of transportation, making them an excellent advertising platform. E-rickshaw advertising is a perfect way to reach a large audience and increase brand awareness. 

Define Your Advertising Objectives

The first step in planning an e-rickshaw advertising campaign is to define your advertising objectives. Do you want to increase brand awareness, promote a new product or service, or generate sales leads? Your advertising objectives will determine the messaging and creative elements you use in your campaign.

Choose Your Target Audience

Once you have defined your advertising objectives, the next step is to choose your target audience. Who do you want to reach with your e-rickshaw advertising campaign? Understanding your target audience will help you create messaging and creative elements that resonate with them.

Select the Right Routes

E-rickshaws operate on predetermined routes, so you must select suitable routes for your advertising campaign. Look for routes frequented by your target audience, such as busy shopping districts, office areas, or residential neighborhoods. You can also consider pathways that lead to popular tourist destinations, as these will have a high footfall.

E Rickshaw Advertising 


Design Your Creative Elements

The creative elements of your e-rickshaw advertising campaign are crucial to its success. Your innovative features should be eye-catching, memorable, and easy to understand. 

Choose Your Advertising Format

There are several advertising formats to choose from when it comes to e-rickshaw advertising. The most common forms include exterior wraps, interior wraps, and digital displays. Outer wraps cover the entire exterior of the e-rickshaw and are the most visible format. Interior wraps cover the interior of the e-rickshaw and are visible to passengers. Digital displays are mounted on the back of the e-rickshaw and display dynamic ads.

Set Your Budget

Setting a budget for your e-rickshaw advertising campaign is essential. Consider the cost of the advertising format, the number of e-rickshaws you want to advertise on, and the duration of your campaign. Be realistic about your budget and consider the return on investment you expect from your campaign.

Measure Your Results

Measuring the results of your e-rickshaw advertising campaign is essential to understand its effectiveness. You can measure the success of your campaign by tracking website traffic, social media engagement, and sales leads. 

e-rickshaw advertising is an effective way to reach a large audience and increase brand awareness. 

The types of businesses that can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising

Local Businesses

Local businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and retail stores, can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising by contacting local communities. E-rickshaw advertising is an excellent way to promote daily specials, sales, and promotions to a local audience. Local businesses can reach potential customers in their immediate vicinity by targeting specific routes.

Tourist-Focused Businesses

Tourist-focused businesses, such as hotels, travel agencies, and tourist attractions, can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising by reaching out to tourists visiting the city. E-rickshaw advertising is an excellent way to promote tourist attractions, tours, and other services to a captive audience. By targeting specific routes that lead to popular tourist destinations, businesses can reach potential customers who are already interested in their products and services.

Real Estate Businesses

Real estate businesses, such as property developers and agencies, can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising by reaching out to potential homebuyers and renters. E-rickshaw advertising is an excellent way to promote new developments, properties for sale or rent, and open houses to a local audience. Real estate businesses can target specific routes leading to residential neighborhoods to reach potential customers looking for a new home.

Healthcare Businesses

Healthcare businesses like hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising by contacting their local communities. E-rickshaw advertising is an excellent way to promote healthcare services, health screenings, and other medical services to a local audience. Healthcare businesses can reach potential customers who need their services by targeting specific routes that lead to medical facilities.

Educational Businesses

Educational businesses, such as schools, colleges, and training centers, can benefit from e-rickshaw advertising by reaching out to students and their families. E-rickshaw advertising is an excellent way to promote educational programs, courses, and services to a local audience. By targeting specific routes that lead to educational institutions, educational businesses can reach potential students interested in their programs.